Welcome to the Barbican Projects Hub Website
The City of London Corporation (the City Corporation) will be undertaking essential refurbishment and improvement works within the Barbican over the next few years.
The Barbican Projects Hub has been formed with the aim of engaging, listening and keeping you informed of projects including the Barbican Podium Phase Two (above Beech Street).
On this website you can find out more information about the project and keep updated of all the latest news.
Scroll down and explore our pages to find out more
Barbican Podium Phase 2: Updated Timeline
January 2025
Since Planning and Listed Building Consent was granted in July 2023, detailed design work and surveys have been ongoing and will need completing before any works to the podium can take place.
Our current indicative timeline is:
Completion of stage 4 design - September 2024
Procurement of main contractor - ongoing until Spring 2025
Estimated start on site - Early 2026
Estimated completion - Mid 2028
The design will be compliant with the City of London’s Climate Action Strategy and Bio-Diversity Plan with an increase to greening in the region of 75%.
The scheme will include new Public Artwork installations. Future City are the appointed Artwork consultant on behalf of the City Corporation and an Artwork Steering Group has been set up.
Regular meetings are taking place with the Barbican Renewal Projects team, to share information on both projects as they move forward.
One of the planning conditions is to develop a Barbican-wide wayfinding strategy, in consultation with other stakeholders that may be adopted by future projects. A consultation group of identified stakeholders has been set up and the first meeting has taken place.